WOW CHEAP Firewood supplier heater, combustion, pizza oven, fireplace

WOW CHEAP Firewood supplier heater, combustion, pizza oven, fireplaceDESCRIPTION
-Support your local small business.
- All wood sold is Cubic Metre measurement
- Mixed Hardwood/Gum firewood
- $80.00 per 1/2m3
- $150.00 per 1m3
- $300.00 per 2m3 Red Gum pizza oven is sold out
(Mixed gum still available)
$180.00 per 1 cubic m
$360.00 per 2 cubic m
- Extra Prices
$15.00 stacking fee per cubic metre
- 1 cubic m is equivalent to a 7x4 trailer water level full.
- Conversion rate: m3 to tonne
- 1.8m3 approx = 1 tonne
- All wood is tested and under the required 20% moisture content for sale
- We deliver just about anywhere in Adelaide metro & Adelaide Hills pricing varies on location $20 minimum
- Wood is sourced + Recycled from jobs All Purpose Tree Services have completed.
*Pick up is available by appointment only*
Joel Engels ********-146 + click to reveal
- Firewood Yard: 40d Neptune Terrace
Rosewater SA 5013
- My yard and shed is located behind double brick office, Classic ceiling supplies, Down gravel driveway
- Wood yard is Open by appointment only 7 days a week.
- Timber slabs also for sale.
- Tree mulch available for garden beds from time to time
- All Purpose Tree Services
- From Small Jobs To "SKY IS THE LIMIT" - Tree removal, trimming, climbing, chipping 6" & 9" machines , stump removal, regulated, significant, 24/7 emergency, contract, government, commercial, home owners, shops, complex, strata, Stihl chainsaws, chainsaw bars from 12" - 20" - 25" - 36" - 59 inch
- $5million public liability insurance
- Competitive rates
- Urgent
- Small business
- WE Service all locations & more.
Albert Park, Alberton, Allenby Gardens, Angle Park, Athol Park, Beverley, Birkenhead, Blair Athol, Bowden, Broadview, Brompton, Cavan, Cheltenham, Clearview, Collinswood, Croydon, Croydon Park, Devon Park, Dry Creek, Dudley Park, Enfield, Ethelton, Exeter, Ferryden Park, Findon, Fitzroy, Flinders Park, Fulham Gardens, Gepps Cross, Gilberton, Gillman, Glanville, Grange, Hampstead Gardens, Hendon, Henley Beach, Henley Beach South, Hindmarsh, Kidman Park, Kilburn, Kilkenny, Largs Bay, Largs North, Lockleys, Manningham, Mansfield Park, Mawson Lakes, Medindie, Medindie Gardens, Mile End, Nailsworth, North Adelaide, North Haven, Northfield, Northgate, Osborne, Ottoway, Ovingham, Parafield, Parafield Gardens, Paralowie, Pennington, Peterhead, Pooraka, Port Adelaide, Prospect, Queenstown, Regency Park, Renown Park, Richmond, Ridleyton, Rosewater, Royal Park, Salisbury, Salisbury Downs, Salisbury East, Salisbury Heights, Salisbury South, Seaton, Sefton Park, Semaphore, Semaphore Park, Semaphore South, St Clair, Taperoo, Tennyson, Thebarton, Thorngate, Torrensville, Underdale, Walkerville, Welland, West Beach, West Croydon, West Hindmarsh, West Lakes, West Lakes Shore, Wingfield, Woodville, Woodville Gardens, Woodville North, Woodville Park, Woodville South, Woodville West
- Price
- $80.00
- Condition
- Used