Sell your car FAST On Australia’s No.1 car sales marketplace

Millions of Australian car buyers use Trading Post to find their next used car

List your used car for sale now!

  • Sell your car fast
  • Easy listing process
  • Blocks fake and Scam buyers
Woman sitting in a cafe placing an ad for her used car on the Trading Post

What makes Trading Post the BEST Australian marketplace to list your used car, ute or van for sale?

Stand Out

Listings on our marketplace include unlimited high-resolution photos and you can also include YouTube Videos

Sell Fast

Millions of Australians use the Trading Post every year

Stay Safe

Our human anti-fraud team checks every ad and buyer message before posting

Cost Effective

Used car ads have been competitively priced to ensure you get great value for money

Why advertise your used car on Trading Post?

  • Millions of Australian buyers use the Trading Post
  • Fast and easy ad creation process
  • Revise your ad as often as you want, for free
  • Cost effective upgrades available to give your used car maximum exposure
  • Human support team available by phone and email
  • Anti-fraud team that operates 7 days a week
  • Australian Owned
  • Over 55 years of marketplace experience

Got more questions?

How Long Will My Ad Last?

Used cars, utes and vans for sale listings can be extended for Free for up to 25 weeks on the Trading Post.

How Long Will It Take To Sell My Car, Ute or Van?

Most listings are sold extremely quickly in this popular Trading Post category. If your listing is priced competitively to the current market, it’s common to sell within just a few weeks.

How Much Does A Car, Ute or Van Ad Cost?

To see the current price just post a listing, and then based on the listing you create, the exact current publishing price will be displayed on the last page before you commit.

I Thought The Trading Post Closed Years Ago - Is This Still The Same Business?

We stopped producing our printed publication in 2009 as people moved online and have continued since then as an online-only marketplace for our millions of Aussie buyers and sellers. We are still the same Aussie owned business that has been operating non-stop since 1967.

How Often Can I Edit My Car, Ute or Van Ad?

You can edit your Ad as often as you like. There is no limit to how many edits you can make or how often you make them…so feel free to adjust your Ad as you go to get the best result!

Why Don’t I See You Advertising On TV or Billboards or Radio?

We find online marketing techniques now work much better than legacy media. Together with our 55 years of brand history this attracts and retains our audience of millions of Aussie buyers and sellers.

Why Isn’t It Free to Publish a Car Ad on Trading Post?

We HUMAN REVIEW all caravan and camping listings before publication, and we HUMAN REVIEW all buyer enquiries on-platform before transmission. This helps stops fake, scam, and dodgy buyers from messaging through our platform, which protects you from wasting your time or falling for the sophisticated scams that are now rampant on some other online marketplaces.

What Can I Do To Ensure A Quick Sale Of My Used Car?

  • Provide lots of high-quality photos of the vehicle both inside and out
  • Ensure you enter details such as specs and features accurately
  • Attach YouTube walk-around video(s) of the vehicle to your listing
  • Price your car, ute or van competitively to the current market and your location
  • Share your Trading Post Ad on your social media channels
  • Consider extra exposure through ‘Top Ad’, ‘Email Blast’, ‘SuperSize’, ‘Highlight’, ‘Bump’ and similar listing upgrades.

How Many Photos Can I Have On My Car Ad?

You can upload as many photos as you like to your use car, ute or van Ad on Trading Post. We accept super-large high-resolution images too….so your vehicle will look amazing when zoomed in and on large screens.

How Many Videos Can I Have On My Car Ad?

We accept unlimited YouTube videos on car, ute and van listings. Our research also shows that listings with videos attract more attention and more enquiries…especially when competitively priced.

Why Not Just List my Car For Sale On Gumtree Or Facebook Marketplace?

Apart from the fact that you will sell your vehicle FAST on Trading Post - We are the only specialized marketplace that HUMAN REVIEWS all listings before publication, and that HUMAN REVIEWS all on-platform buyer enquiries before transmission.

This helps stop fake, scam, and dodgy buyers from messaging through our platform, which protects you from wasting your time or falling for the sophisticated scams that are now all-over some other online marketplaces.

How Does Trading Post Protect Used Car Sellers From Online Scams?

We are the only specialized marketplace that HUMAN REVIEWS all listings before publication and HUMAN REVIEWS all on-platform buyer enquiries before transmission.

This helps stop fake, scam, and dodgy buyers from messaging through our platform, which protects you from wasting your time or falling for the sophisticated scams that are now all-over some other online marketplaces.


Ready to try the Tradingpost Car Sales difference?

List Your Used Car For Sale Now!

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